WeatherAll Coatings Industrial Division produces an array of extreme performance materials. Shown below is the complete Product Line & Technical Data (TDS) sheets. SDS health sheets may be aquired upon established user account. Please contact our Engineering and/or our Technical Support Groups to determine which material system would be the best choice for the required material performance specifications and the accompanying installation environment. These chemical systems deliver specified ranges of materials properties which defines their performance baseline. To obtain the designed material's properties performance and its accompanying warranty all specific material and application procedures must be explicity followed. If shortcuts are taken and/or application machines are not in component balance material warranty may be disclaimed.
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The Industrial Product Line consists of 2-component materials only. These materials are for Professional Applicators trained using these types of highly reactive chemistry. Most of these material systems require the use of high pressure spray equipment. When using high or low pressure material dispensing machines spraying atomized diisocyanate crosslinked reactants full fresh air supply respiratory protection must be used as well as full facial coverage, hands and other exposed skin areas. Once these component are fully cured the solid material may be disposed of in landfill. See SDS for material and safety compliance. Packaging: 375 gal Totes, 52 gal. Drums, 5 gal. Pails.
Containment Poly

ToughSkin Poly


ClearCoat 3000

ClearCoat AXP

ProCoat AXP

ProCoat WB EXP™ 4000

ProFloor Epoxy

JointSeal Poly

WB Epoxy Primer